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Thursday 31 December 2009


The New First Minister, Carwyn Jones' has given indication that a referendum for full law-making powers for the Welsh Government are still on the table for 2010.

In his New Year's message, Mr. Jones' states, "2010 will see us looking to gain more powers for the Assembly to use for the benefit of the people of Wales", indicating that there will be key activity taking place to push forward a referendum.

Under the terms of the Government of Wales Act 2006, AMs need to pass a motion requesting Westminster to authorise a referendum with a two-thirds majority. It is understood that the National Assembly will be having detailed discussions about pushing through this motion, when they reconvene next week.

However with the general election looming large, it is thought that a vote must be held in the first few weeks of 2010 for a referendum to be organised within the year. Experts say that even when the motion does get forwarded to Parliament, the request could take months to process.

The recent All Wales Convention report published that there were a strong percentage of Welsh people that wanted the referendum to vote for ease of law-making powers for the Welsh Government. It is also part of the One Wales coalition agreement between Labour and Plaid that a referendum should be held before May 2011. Yet, doubts were created when a Welsh Labour statement signed by former First Minister Rhodri Morgan, Welsh Secretary Peter Hain and party chair Garry Owen implied that no further discussion would be held about a referendum until after the general election – a scenario that would effectively rule out a referendum in 2010.

A joint statement from Labour and Plaid later insisted that a 2010 referendum had not been ruled out.

The First Minister's New Year statement says:

"The New Year is a time for looking ahead, and this is a momentous time for me as Wales’ new First Minister.I am very proud to have this opportunity to serve the people of Wales by leading the Welsh Assembly Government.'

"In 2009 we faced tough economic challenges, but our core values of social justice have served us well.

"I was brought up to respect the idea of chwarae teg, fair play – and now we are able to ensure Wales’ strong sense of social responsibility and justice guide our young democracy.

"By working together in that spirit we are weathering the storm, and during the coming year we will continue the task of building the economy; we need to ensure prosperity for all.

"I am convinced that the key to success depends on the education and skills of our people. I am proud that the Welsh Assembly Government has doubled the number of apprenticeships in the course of the last decade – and despite all the pressures on our budget we are determined to strengthen still further the valuable work of our schools, colleges and universities.

"The recent Copenhagen conference underlined once more the great dangers posed by climate change.

"Our goal is for Wales to lead the way in developing new technologies to tackle global warming, and in the process lay the foundations of a resilient and sustainable 21st century economy.

"One lesson of the last year is that devolved government works well. Our Economic Summit meetings have enabled all social partners to pull together – and one benefit of devolution is that we can move rapidly.

"New ideas such as ProAct have been pushed through in record time and our Mortgage Rescue scheme has been described by the BBC as ‘top in the UK’.

"The existence of a Welsh government has strengthened our voice in Europe and our confidence and spirit as a nation have come on by leaps and bounds.

"2010 will see us looking to gain more powers for the Assembly to use for the benefit of the people of Wales.

"I would like to wish all of you a very happy and successful New Year. '

Wednesday 30 December 2009


As temperatures plummet the Home Heat Helpline is urging Newport householders to call their free phone number (0800 33 66 99) and get the help to beat the cold snap.

The Home Heat Helpline is on standby to help those who are worried about the cost of heating their home this winter and is encouraging householders to find out if they are eligible for reduced or 'social' tariffs, free insulation and to get free advice on making their home more energy efficient.

Thousands of eligible households across Newport are already known to be missing out on the help and support which could make them big savings on their energy bills. Recent research by New Policy Institute into homes in Wales missing out found that in Newport alone, 11,800 eligible homes - which is almost a fifth of all homes in the city – could be accessing help and saving around £250 on their energy bills.

Christine adds that households across the region should also consider taking some simple practical steps around the house that will help them keep warm and cut their energy bills straight away.

The Home Heat Helpline suggests the following tips for Newport residents to help them keep warm and reduce their energy bills over the cold snap:
  1. Make sure your radiators and heaters are not blocked by furniture or covered by curtains, otherwise most of the heat will literally disappear out the window.
  2. Keep draughts at bay using a draught-proofing kit, available from most DIY stores to block draughts around external windows and doors.
  3. Replace your traditional light bulbs with energy efficient ones. These use 80% less energy, and can cost as little as 50p.
  4. Appliances left on standby can use as much as three-quarters of the energy they use when they are fully switched on – so turn them completely off when not in use.
  5. Mend the drips. A dripping hot water tap can waste enough hot water to fill half a bath in just one week, so fix leaking taps and make sure they’re all fully turned off.
If you think you are one of these households then the advice is quite simple –
call the Home Heat Helpline today on 0800 33 66 99.


As large parts of Gwent have been affected by snow and icy weather, Gwent Police are advising motorists to take extra precautions, as these conditions can cause road disruptions and avoid driving unless absolutely necessary.

The Met Office has advised that the snow will continue in Gwent this afternoon and this evening and these conditions may persist into tomorrow.

Chief Inspector Simon Jeffries said:
"Gwent Police has planned for exactly the type of weather conditions we are seeing today. The public can be reassured that officers and staff are available to deal with any emergencies. We have extra 4x4 vehicles available, and patrols have been planned according to the conditions.

Officers are working with the local authorities and we are asking the public to help us and themselves by keeping safe and warm and not making any unnecessary journeys. If your journey is absolutely necessary please heed the following advice"

- Don’t leave your car running unattended when defrosting it.
- Make sure you have sufficient fuel for your journey. Keep the fuel tank topped up.
- Check weather forecasts. Listen to local and national radio for travel information
- Give yourself extra time for your journey and drive at a constant speed. Accept your journey will take longer and don't take risks.
- Take a mobile telephone with you and make sure it is fully charged. Carry a mobile charger in the car.
- Poor weather conditions mean it can be harder for drivers to see pedestrians and cyclists, so be vigilant. In poor visibility be extra alert for hazards, and allow extra room to slow down and stop
- Wear comfortable shoes, not thick boots, which can be difficult to drive in. Keep warm clothing and footwear in the car in case you get stuck or need to get out of the car, and carry a thermos flask and high energy snacks such as chocolate so you can have a hot drink and something to eat.
- Make sure all your car lights are working and you have no failed bulbs. Ensure that dirt, salt and snow is cleared away from light fixtures.
- Always ensure all windows are fully cleared of snow, frost and condensation before setting off on a journey. It is illegal to drive with obscured vision.
- Clear snow from the top of the car as this can fall down and obscure your windscreen while you are driving.
- Keep windscreen washer fluid topped up as windscreens quickly become dirty from traffic spray and salt from the roads.
- If you get stuck stay with your car, but in an emergency if do need to leave it, park it out of the main traffic route, where it won't cause an obstruction when conditions ease. Leave a contact number on the inside of the windscreen and return to your car at the first opportunity you have.


Newport Housing Trust is funding a the construction of more than 50 retirement apartments in Treberth Crescent that could start work in the spring if planning permission is granted.

The whole project is worth in excess of £8 million and planned facilities for the site include a restaurant, fitness suite and hairdresser. It is hoped work will start in the Spring and that the site will be finished by late 2011.

Already, a Community Living Club was also set up by the trust which now has 250 households as members.

The scheme will allow owners to transfer the equity from their current home to the apartments so they can purchase a 75 per cent equity stake at a cost of around £150,000.

The remaining 25 per cent will then be made available through a payment free loan from the trust.

Chief Executive of the trust, Phil Toms said: “This is all about delivering a service to older people which they are asking for.”


Councillor Bill Langsford has been voted as Newport's Mayor Elect.

His term will begin in May and he will be first citizen when the Ryder Cup comes to Newport in the autumn.

He received the unanimous backing of the full council after being nominated by leader Councillor Matthew Evans and seconded by Councillor Bob Bright, the leader of the opposition. Councillor Margaret Cornelious will serve as deputy mayor.

Councillor Langsford was brought up and educated in West Somerset. He worked for British Rail for more than 35 years in the engineering department but said he decided to retire early because he did not want to work for a privatised industry.

He started his career in Taunton and worked briefly in Bristol before moving to Newport in 1966.

Councillor Langsford met his wife Sue while she was also working for British Rail in Newport.

A keen follower of sport, he is still a season ticket holder of Somerset and Glamorgan County Cricket Clubs.

He only severed links with Minehead FC in 1986 and became involved with Cwmbran FC. Lately, he has become interested in rugby and is a season ticket holder of Newport Gwent Dragons and Newport RFC.

Councillor Langsford became a member of the Labour Party in 1987 and in 1995 he was elected to represent the Allt-yr-yn ward.

In 1999, he was asked to stand for the Malpas ward which he still represents.

Councillor Langsford served as a governor at Malpas Court Primary School, Malpas Park Primary School and Bettws High School, now known as Newport High School.

He also sat on the former housing and personnel committees, becoming vice-chairman of the latter. He became deputy executive leader for resources and business manager of the city council from 2004 to 2008. He now serves on the overview and scrutiny forums for resources and young people’s services.

Tuesday 29 December 2009


In amidst, the Boxing day sales, the Environmental Minister for Wales, Jane Davidson is calling all people to make recycling and re-using their bags a New Year's resolution while they go about their shopping.

Ms. Davidson says:

“I am asking people to remember to take their bags with them whenever they go out shopping in 2010. We want everyone to get used to the idea ahead of our plans to introduce a charge by early 2011. Single use carrier bags are not usually bio-degradable and are a waste of resources. Customers have come to expect free plastic bags at checkouts, but we all need to look at more environmentally-friendly options.”

An estimated 324 million bags a year are handed out in Wales and plastic bags alone account for 2.7 per cent of litter by weight (Keep Wales Tidy survey figures).

The estimated cost of removing this specific litter is £1m annually. All litter removal costs Wales annually £37 million.

To learn more about how you can help future generations by reducing, reusing and recycling your waste please visit the website

For more information on our carrier bags campaign, ‘Get Carried Away’, please visit:

Sunday 27 December 2009


Police are seeking witnesses to an assault in a bar in Newport city centre in which a 36-year-old woman suffered serious leg injuries.
Officers say she became involved in a dispute with a man in his late teens who tripped her and pushed her over.

The incident took place about 2330 GMT in Lloyds Bar on Bridge Street on 16 December. Police say the man was white, of skinny build, about 6ft tall, with short brown hair which was scruffy and gelled. He had jeans and a blue and white large checked shirt with long sleeves. He was clean shaven and spoke with a Newport accent.

Anyone with information is asked to call Gwent Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Wednesday 23 December 2009


Newport City Council has failed in its legal challenge over a Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) decision to revise landfill allowances downwards.

Newport claims this could cost it thousands of pounds in fines. According to the legal ruling means that, from 2010/11, Newport will have to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste it sends to landfill by around 1,600 tonnes a year more than it has in previous years.

Newport claimed that it is being "penalised" for being one of three councils in Wales to have "genuinely" reduced its waste arisings, and stressed that it had focused its recycling and reduction efforts on reaching the initially calculated figures.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


The proposed Specialist and Critical Care Centre to treat Gwent's sickest patients may not be fully finished until 2025 - more than a decade after its original planned completion date.

Planning had been suspended through out 2009, however Health bosses are considering phasing the building programme over 10-15 years and planning could be restarted in January.

Priced at around £300 million, it was hoped that the whole centre would be ready by 2014.

But with recession hitting Assembly budgets, last December, health minister Edwina Hart ordered that planning work on the Specialist and Critical Care Centre (SCCC) be halted.

The cost of the SCCC has posed a headache for NHS planners at health board and Assembly level, and with budgets for NHS building projects in Wales oversubscribed, and phasing the development will spread the cost over a longer period.

There were also concerns raised when planning was suspended last year, over whether plans to boost primary and community care services in the area were robust enough to cope with an overall reduction of several hundred hospital beds across Gwent.

The extra time will enable the health board to develop such services.

The aim is to seek Assembly approval and financial support next month for a six-nine month planning period, during 2010, to enable a start to be made on whatever will be the first phase. The centre is earmarked for land on and around the existing Llanfrechfa Grange Hospital site.

It will have 450-500 beds and provide for major and immediately life threatening emergencies, complex surgery, intensive care, consultant-led obstetric care, and children's inpatient care.

Currently, these services are provided mainly at the Royal Gwent and Nevill Hall Hospitals, and the board will have to maintain these sites while the SCCC is developed.


The Severn bridges that cross between south Wales and south west England has been closed due to falling ice.

Both motorway crossings were also shut during wintry weather last February, when car windscreens were smashed.

The latest closure is causing traffic problems, and delays of up to an hour with queues forming eastbound around Newport as vehicles are diverted off the M4 at the Coldra roundabout.


Friends and family are urging missing woman Gemma Louise Garn to get in touch with police or her family today after lifeboat teams and police divers searched the river severn for clues to help with her disappearance.

Twenty-six year old's black Kia Rio hire car was found abandoned on the second severn crossing on the eastbound carriageway on Saturday morning.

Worried friends left messages across social networking sites yesterday pleading for her to get back in touch after not hearing from her since Friday night.

Police are working to establish the route she took from her last sighting in Pontnewydd, Cwmbran to the new severn bridge, in order to pick up clues as to why she may have disappeared.

Gemma is described as being around 5'6" tall with short dark hair and blond highlights. She was last seen wearing a black polo neck top underneath a black and white patterned dress, a brown casual jacket, black tights and black high heeled shoes.

Anyone who has any information on the route taken by Ms Garn, her whereabouts or any other details which can help find her are requested to call Gwent Police by dialing 1 0 1.

Monday 21 December 2009


Alcohol and women's charities have united in voicing their concerns about domestic abuse over the festive period.

They say that whilst Christmas is a happy time for many, the increased stress, increased alcohol consumption and extra spending (especially given the current economic climate) family tensions can be high, creating an environment where domestic abuse can be more likely to occurr.

Figures collected by the Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline show that the number of calls to the helpline rises significantly in January and February, and the Christmas holidays may well be a factor in this.

Paula Hardy, Chief Executive of Welsh Women’s Aid said:

"The festive period is a time when levels of stress, alcohol use and indebtedness are increased. If you live in an abusive family, the tensions arising from these issues can reach fever pitch and sometimes spill over into violence and abusive outbursts.

It would be a mistake to assume that domestic abuse is a one-off incident sparked by the stresses of Christmas or the consumption of alcohol. The fact is that on average a woman will be assaulted by her partner or ex-partner 35 times before reporting it to the police."

Andrew Misell, Alcohol Concern Cymru Policy Manager, said:

"Alcohol is not the cause of domestic violence, and drinking should never be taken as excuse for abuse. However, it’s clear that alcohol plays a role in many incidents.

Statistics from Welsh police forces collected by Alcohol Concern suggest that alcohol is a factor in between 45% and 70% of incidents of domestic violence. We know that where domestic abuse is taking place, alcohol consumption by perpetrators can increase the frequency and seriousness of injuries, and that many victims of domestic abuse – over three quarters of whom are women – are also using alcohol as a means of coping with the abuse.

We are keen to work with alcohol service providers and those supporting victims of domestic abuse to ensure that the complex relationship between alcohol and domestic abuse if better understood, in order to ensure the best outcomes for people in abusive relationships."


A Safer Newport initiative has caught out eight children skipping school to go Christmas shopping with their parents in the city centre.

This month school liaison officers from Gwent Police and education welfare officers from Newport City Council joined forces to apprehend the pupils and tell them to return to school. During three days of patrols in the city centre 46 children were stopped in Newport City Centre, 43 of whom were with their parents.

Most had valid excuses for being out of school, but eight were found to be truanting and they were sent back to school with the promise of a warning letter to their parents.

PC Richard Thomas, a school liaison officer in Newport, said:

“At this time of year, parents are sometimes tempted to let their children miss school to go Christmas shopping. But this should not be happening as it is illegal to take your children out of school unnecessarily. We caught a good number of pupils who should have been in school. The truanting pupils were advised to return to their schools and letters will be sent to their parents reminding them of their responsibilities.”

Research shows that children who attend school regularly are likely to be more successful than those who frequently miss school. A pupil who misses a day of school each week misses the equivalent of two years in their school life, leading to huge gaps in their knowledge base that become difficult to fill.

Recent surveys have indicated that 70% of children who do not attend school regularly admit to committing at least one criminal offence.


Residents can continue to place their refuse and recycling boxes out for collection as usual during the snow and ice.

Collection crews are working hard to collect refuse and recycling as normal, however some collections may occur later than usual.

Missed collection may occur in some rural areas due to dangerous driving conditions; however these areas will have collections as soon as possible.


The first snow of winter gave Newport a light covering overnight. A series of showers blew in across the Bristol Channel bringing snow towards the end of yesterday evening.

The showers from this source would normally fall as rain but met the very cold air sitting over the mainland and turned readily to snow. The Met Office states that motorists could face difficult conditions this morning as the showers have now cleared and were followed by freezing conditions.

The cold spell has been marked by low temperatures day and night with the lowest minimum recorded minus four degrees centigrade on Saturday night. The cold weather is expected to last until Christmas Eve in the Newport area and after a brief milder interlude it is expected to return by the end of December.

Send us your photos of the snow -


The commercial property sector in Newport has been given a boost by one of the biggest industrial deals in the city this year, according to Wales Online.

Advised by Hutchings & Thomas, Collingbourne Properties has acquired a 90,175 sq ft industrial unit premises from Inductotherm Group Europe in a deal brokered with Cooke & Arkwright.

The property in Church Street, formerly Newelco and latterly I.H.W.T. was closed earlier this year as Inductotherm Group moved production and repairs of induction heating machines to other sites in the UK. During the second world war a previous incarnation of the company made guns for the navy in a legacy that stretches back generations.

The building is situated in a prominent location on Usk Way with high visibility and excellent access from the M4.

Jonathan Collingbourne of Collingbourne Properties told the media wales:

“The purchase of this site is an important acquisition for us as it is adjacent to other sites within our ownership in this area. It also offers excellent potential for lets and office space given its size and location, and we are currently in the process of dividing this large area into a number of smaller, more versatile units. We have already secured four new tenancies during our short period of ownership and haven’t even advertised the letting space available yet.”

Robert Carew-Chaston of Hutchings & Thomas said:

“The proximity of the premises to the River Usk and its location within the scope of Newport Unlimited’s 2020 Master Plan makes this a strategic addition to our client’s portfolio. While the current climate hasn’t helped in the shorter term, there is no doubt that this is an up-and-coming area of the city which will offer a host of opportunities for redevelopment in the medium to longer term. In the interim period we will be letting the property on behalf of our client.”

Sunday 20 December 2009


Two new retailers are confirmed for the Kingsway Shopping Centre in Newport.

Contrary to reports locally, Poundland will not occupy the former Woolworths store.

In fact they will occupy two units immediately adjacent to the Wilkinsons store in the mall.

The Woolworths site will be occupied by a new store combining the Ethel Austin and Au Naturelle chains.

Friday 18 December 2009


A City Centre trader has been found guilty of trading in counterfeit goods.

On 15 December 2009 at Abergavenny Magistrates Court, Stephen Pumford pleaded guilty to selling counterfeit floor cushions, duvet sets, curtains, beanbags and lampshades, as well as selling unsafe furniture and displaying a sign that restricted consumers’ statutory rights.

All of the dangerous and fake items subject to the charges displayed the logos of top premiership football teams including Manchester United FC and Liverpool FC.

Pumford was fined £1,040, and ordered to pay costs of £100 and a victim surcharge of £15.

Trading Standards Officers at Newport City Council had been investigating this case since May 2009 and had bought a number of items, including a cushion and a duvet set, from Pumford’s shop in John Frost Square, Newport, South Wales.

The items were confirmed as counterfeit by the brand owner, Manchester United. Later in the month a raid was carried out at Pumford’s shop where in total 80 Liverpool FC and 51 Manchester United FC products were seized using powers under the Trade Marks Act 1994.

Thursday 17 December 2009


Police in Alway have arrested five people for possession of drugs with intent to supply.

On Friday (11th December) at around 6pm officers simultaneously raided five houses in Alway after receiving intelligence from members of the local community. Two of the addresses were in Elgar Circle, one in Vaughan Williams Drive, one in Sims Square, and another in Byrde Close.

Drugs found in the raids included bags of amphetamine and wraps of cannabis - and one kilo of amphetamine was found in the boot of a car belonging to one of the occupants.

Large amounts of cash, scales and other drug dealing paraphernalia were also seized from some of the houses. At one address amphetamine was discovered in a kitchen sink after the occupant tried to flush away the drugs as police entered.

Five people were arrested and police have issued a warrant for the arrest of another.

The five arrested individuals are on police bail pending forensic analysis of the drugs seized. In addition, one person was given a caution for possession of cannabis for personal use.


Newport Transport have announced that every one of their buses operating on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve will be free of charge.

It's set to cost the company around £18,000, something former bus driver Chris Blyth, now the Managing Director of the company insists is a good idea.

“Some people might think I’m mad, but our customers have shown us great support over the last 12 months and deserve something back. I’ll be delivering this festive gift to them in probably the biggest Christmas present you’ll see in Britain this year: a bus covered in festive wrapping paper!”

The idea is also to promote responsible drinking during the festive period - something that Superintendent Julian Knight, of Newport Local Policing Unit, agrees with:

“We also have a social commitment to the people of Newport and by promoting responsible drinking and providing free public transport on these key festive dates people can leave their cars at home and enjoy a safe Christmas and New Year.”

From when the first bus leaves the company’s depot on Corporation Road at 4.30am right through until the last pick-up at 10 o’clock at night, every one of its buses will be free to members of the public to use during Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. Services will also be extended until 9pm.

Mr Blyth added:

“As a company everything we do is geared towards providing a positive customer experience. Despite the economic downturn we have continued to make investments in our services and staff and I am pleased to say that as a result passenger numbers have, and continue, to grow.

“Things are still tough with the economy, but it is important that we work with other companies and do not forget our commitment to our customer otherwise they will forget us.

“By providing free buses on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve we are helping encourage shoppers into the heart of Newport’s city centre benefiting local shops and businesses at a time of economic recession, as well as giving something back to our customers who we value so much.

Newport transport seen it's turnover grow by £1 million in the 2008/09 financial year to £10.15 million.

by Paul Heaney

Wednesday 16 December 2009


The Friday before Christmas, Dubbed “Black Friday”, from when it one of the busiest nights of the year for city centre pubs and clubs, Gwent Police and safer Newport are urging people to be responsible while out celebrating on the last Friday before Christmas.

Increased officer numbers taxi marshal's and street pastors are being brought in to deal with the expected numbers on Friday night

Inspector Bob Thompson, of Newport Local Policing Unit, said: “Our officers will be out in force on busy nights to help keep everyone safe, but we also want people to take responsibility for the amount they drink and their own actions.

Councillor David Fouweather, Newport City Council’s cabinet member for environment and community safety, said: “Together, with our partners we have a range of initiatives aimed at reducing crime and disorder this Friday, and other nights, and to try and ensure everyone has an enjoyable, but safe, time.”

With numbers on a Friday and Saturday night in the city centre falling over the past few years, many licensee's will be hoping for a boost in trade this year.

With taxis in demand the council have pointed out that if punters are in need of a safe lift, they can text CAB to 83222 to receive a text back with the numbers of three randomly-picked and regulated private hire/hackney carriages closest to their location.

Health bosses also pointed out that the Royal Gwent Hospital is always under increased pressure over the Christmas period so ask people to consider the following advice before attending please Accident and Emergency or dialling 999 for an ambulance.

If you are feeling unwell call NHS Direct Wales on 0845 46 47 and speak to a nurse advisor. It you have a loss of consciousness, difficult breathing, suspected heart attack, heavy blood loss, serious injury or severe burns call 999.

For more information about Safer Newport contact 01633 656656


A £300,000 CCTV pilot to tackle violent and aggressive behaviour towards NHS workers is being launched today (15 December) by the Welsh Assembly Government.

The one-year scheme will see CCTV cameras installed in four accident and emergency departments across Wales including the Royal Gwent in Newport and five ambulances in Cardiff. I

mages from the cameras will be used to help prosecute people who are violent and aggressive towards NHS staff. This pilot is one of 54 measures contained in a report commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government earlier in the year to crack down on violence and aggression against health-care workers.

The Assembly Government’s health minister, Edwina Hart, said:

“It is unacceptable that NHS staff face wilful violence and aggression while going about their day-to-day duties caring for patients. The introduction of CCTV cameras will help provide more evidence to support prosecutions and act as a deterrent, making people think twice before abusing staff.”

Tuesday 15 December 2009


Trains are running virtually to normal despite this week's signal workers strike. 95 per cent of trains ran normally yesterday according to Network Rail.

The company has drafted in signal workers from across the country until the strike is due to officially end on Saturday.


Following problems in the three Newport Cemeteries at St.Woolos, Christchurch and Caerleon the City Council is introducing Dog Control Orders as irresponsible owners have allowed their dogs to foul areas of the cemeteries and to run without the restriction of a lead.

The Orders being introduced by the Council after public consultation will regulate this.

Breaching a Dog Control Order is a crime. The penalty for which is a maximum fine of Level 3 on the Standard Scale – currently £1,000. Alternatively, the opportunity to pay a Fixed Penalty may be offered in place of prosecution.


MORE breast cancers are being detected in Wales than by any other screening programme in the UK.

Figures produced by the Cancer Screening Evaluation Unit reveal Breast Test Wales had the highest cancer detection rate for women attending for their first screening test.

For every 1,000 women screened 6.7 cancers were detected.

Figures today also reveal that women diagnosed with cancer following Breast Test Wales screening also have the lowest waiting times for surgery.

But despite the success of screening there are fears throughout the UK that the number of women taking up the invitation for a mammogram has fallen slightly.

Dr Rose Fox, deputy director of Screening Services Wales, said, "When cancers are detected, people can go on to have potentially life-saving treatments earlier than they would have done without screening"

She added: “We are able to offer women screening very close to where they live so women are not having to travel long distances.

Research has found that a smaller proportion of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer via a routine mammogram undergo chemotherapy compared to those women who find a lump in their breast.

More than 140,000 women are invited for screening every year in Wales and about 105,000 attend their appointments – an uptake rate of more than 74%.

As a result of the screening programme, 2,463 people were diagnosed with breast cancer in Wales in 2006 – the most recent figures available.

Breast cancer remains the most common cancer in women in both the UK – the rate of diagnosis in Wales is the highest in the UK at 124.4 cases per 100,000 women.

But the rate of deaths from breast cancer in Wales – 26.66 per 100,000 – is lower than that for the UK as a whole.


After travelling through time and space Doctor Who's Tardis has landed at Wales' largest medieval castle.

The blue police box which is located on top of the Inner East Gatehouse tower is lit up during the night and will stay there until the New Year.

The castle was used to film some scenes for the two part Christmas episode of Doctor Who, entitled The End of Time.

On December 12 and 13th, visitors to the Medieval Christmas fayre at the castle would have seen the unusual spectacle as they did their Christmas shopping and enjoyed the festive entertainment supplied by jugglers, jesters and stilt walkers.

Tardis stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space - the machine has been the chosen mode of transport for all of the ten Doctors on their intergalactic adventures.

The End of Time is the final journey for the tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant, as he prepares to do battle with his nemesis, the Master.

Doctor Who - The End of Time Part One is on BBC One Wales at 1800 GMT on Christmas Day with Part Two is on BBC One Wales at 1840 GMT on New Years Day

Monday 14 December 2009


People in Newport can check if they are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes as the Diabetes UK Measure Up Roadshow arrives in the City this week.

The Diabetes UK Measure Up Roadshow will be in John Frost Square, Newport, between 9am and 5pm on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 December. It will be welcomed to the city by South Wales East AM Mohammad Asghar at 10.30am on 17 December.

People who visit the roadshow, which is travelling across Wales, can have a free Type 2 diabetes risk assessment. The roadshow also encourages people to measure their waistline to see if they are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Having a larger waist means you are up to 12 times more likely to get the condition. At risk waist measurements are 37 inches or more for men, or 35 for South Asian men, and 31.5 inches or more for women.

Diabetes UK staff will also be on hand to give more information about diabetes and advice about other risk factors for developing the condition.


Mohammad Asghar, the Assembly member for South East Wales who sensationally quit Plaid for the conservatives last week, has told Newport City Radio that Plaid's refusal to let him employ his daughter was the ‘last straw’.

In an interview broadcast last night on the weekly news show ‘SPIN’, the only ethnic minority AM in the assembly voiced his discontent with Plaid over a u-turn in the decision to let him give his daughter a job as an assistant.

He said his daughter Natasha was selected by an independent panel and had also offered to work for free, but Plaid Leader Ieuan Wyn Jones refused to let him employ his daughter.

Mr Asghar says there were numerous occasions where he felt Plaid's actions as a party were significantly different to his own views.

When asked about whether he would be looking to employ his daughter in the future under the conservative's, Mr Asghar said "If she's good enough... she can contribute to the community and the party at the same time".

Natasha has also worked for Plaid in the past, standing for the Blaenau Gwent region party in the 2007 assembly election.

After the announcement on Tuesday the former Plaid AM known as ‘Oscar’ said he felt ‘out of tune’ with plaids policies on a number of issues, but chose not to dwell on the employment of his daughter until now.

The switch of allegiance is significant because the seat held by Mr Asghar is ‘closed’, a seat where votes are cast for political parties rather than individuals. There is no legal requirement at the moment in the assembly that an AM must stand down under these unusual and perhaps unprecedented circumstances. An independent panel chaired by Sir Roger Jones some months ago recommended that AMs should not recruit members of their own families to work for them in future.

Welsh Conservative leader Nick Bourne said the newest member of his party was a man who ‘commands respect within the assembly and the communities of South East Wales’.

Plaid leader Ieuan Wyn Jones was shocked at the sudden nature of the announcement and that the party regretted his decision to be the only AM ever to cross the floor of the assembly since its creation in 1999.

Mr Ashgar was elected as the Plaid candidate for South Wales East in 2007.

UPDATE: Featured on Betsan's Blog, and in the Western Mail

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Sunday 13 December 2009


Mohammad Asghar, the Assembly member for South East Wales who sensationally quit Plaid for the conservatives last week has told Newport City Radio that Plaid's refusal to let him employ his daughter was the last straw.

Mr Ashgar says there were numerous occasions where he felt Plaid's actions as a party were significantly different to his own views.

Speaking on SPIN last night, the only ethnic minority AM in the assembly says it was 'the last straw' when, after selection by an independent panel and offering to work for free, Plaid Leader Ieuan Wyn Jones refused to let him employ his daughter as his assistant.

When asked about whether he would be looking to employ his daughter in the future under the conservative's, Mr Asghar said "If she's good enough... she can contribute to the community and the party at the same time".

Friday 11 December 2009


Some major sections of the rail network including the area around Newport will be shut down over the Christmas and new year period because of engineering work, Network Rail (NR) has said.

There will be 28 separate pieces of engineering work on Sunday December 27 while there will be 21 on December 28, then 16 on December 29 and 15 on December 30.

But NR said that 8,000 more trains will run over the festive period than in the Christmas/new year 2008/09 period and that there will be 33% fewer replacement buses.

Rail customer watchdog Passenger Focus welcomed the promise of less disruption this Christmas but said it was "regrettable" that the work affecting travel to and from South Wales was taking place over the festive period.

The Network Rail press release states "Bristol to Newport - 27/12 to 03/01 - the first phase of the £150m Newport area improvement scheme, which will deliver more reliable services for passengers throughout the region, will be completed over the Christmas break. The job entails modernising signal equipment, extensive rebuilding of tracks around Severn Tunnel Junction station and the building of a new platform. Preparatory work for the redevelopment of Newport Station ready for the Ryder Cup is also taking place. As a result the rail route into South Wales from Bristol and Gloucester will be closed over the Christmas / New Year period although four other routes into Wales from England remain open".

Thursday 10 December 2009


A mother-of-two died of meningitis after she was diagnosed with an ear infection, an inquest heard today. Gwent Coroner’s Court heard how Sarah Stitt, 36, of Magor visited numerous doctors over the course of a month complaining of severe earache.

Mrs Stitt was admitted to the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, on February 8, 2009, after she and her husband Sean insisted that she be kept in because the pain was so bad, but she died within hours.

A post-mortem examination revealed that she died of meningitis as a complication of infections in her inner ear and the bone behind her ear. Gwent Coroner David Bowen recorded a narrative verdict, describing the events that led to Mrs Stitt’s death. He said the treatment which partially resolved the inner ear infection had masked the fact there was an underlying infection of the bone behind her ear which, if diagnosed, would have raised the suspicion of meningitis.

Meningitis, he said, was not diagnosed until after her death and so the opportunity to treat it was missed. She died after being in constant pain for a month, he said.


Newport City Council could be faced with a difficult and costly dispute following a decision by Iceland Foods to challenge (via judicial review) the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) of two of its stores in the Austin Friars area of the city centre. The CPO was originally served in 2007.

The Cabinet of the City Council stated it was very concerned about the basis of the challenge by Iceland Foods who appeared to be putting self interest before the opportunity to develop the city centre to the benefit of their own business and of all other businesses in the city centre. The Deputy Leader Ed Townsend stated that he hoped that Iceland would come to the table and work with Council officers who could facilitate the identification of a suitable alternative site near the original premises. It was confirmed that under the terms of the CPO, Iceland Foods would be subject to compensation for losses.

Iceland Foods contend that the decision to proceed with the implementation of the CPO at the present time is “unlawful” because

• The Council is effectively acting ultra vires by using the CPO powers for a different purpose to that originally intended

• The Council has failed to reconsider the alternative proposals that they put forward at the original CPO Inquiry and has failed to have regard to their “Human Rights”.

Wednesday 9 December 2009


Rail passengers in Newport and Cardiff were delayed following a robbery in the Rumney area of Cardiff this morning. Two men were killed when a quad bike were hit by a train fleeing the scene of a shop burglary. Two hundred men's specialist outdoor jackets worth £40,000 were stolen from Go Outdoors in Newport Road, Cardiff. Police officers were called to the store just after 0400 GMT - around the time the men, both in their 20s, were hit on tracks in Rumney nearby.

British Transport Police said the quad bikes had been travelling east towards Newport when they were struck from behind. The passenger train involved was not carrying members of the public at the time, and had been making its way from the Canton depot in Cardiff to Cheltenham for servicing. The crash led to four rail lines being closed for some hours, disrupting morning commuters. Three have since been reopened but continuing delays are likely. A spokesperson for Network Rail said: "There was some damage to the track in the area of the collision".

A spokesman for South Wales Police said: "The line runs directly behind the store and is normally very quiet at night. It seems somebody came up with the idea of using quad bikes for the raid and to get away. Two people have paid with their lives and two others will have it on their conscience." The store backs onto the railway line which is used by quad bikers as an unofficial race track.


Paul Flynn Newport West Labour MP has been named MP of the Year in the Welsh Yearbook Welsh Politician of the Year Awards.

The award was given to Flynn “for being unafraid of speaking his mind on issues like the war in Afghanistan”.

Only last week Paul appeared on SPIN, Newport City Radio'a flagship news show, to give his views on the de-criminalization of drugs. "The current system isn't working...we neeed a new strategy" he said.


Farmer Darren Matthews has been found guilty of six different charges relating to bovines on his farm at Caerphilly Magistrates Court.On 30 November 2009, Matthews pleaded guilty to the charges, brought under the Cattle Identification (Wales) Regulations 2007 and the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Matthews was investigated and prosecuted by Newport City Council Trading Standards for causing a bovine unnecessary suffering, and failing to adhere to procedures regarding the identification of cattle.In April 2008, the farmer was investigated for an alleged animal welfare issue on a farm in Llanwern, Newport, this led to the discovery of six bovines in an adjacent field, and one bovine carcass.

Owners of livestock have to keep records of all animals, and for bovines, passports. The investigation by Trading Standards found he failed to keep up-to-date records on livestock movement and retain passports. He also failed to notify the authorities of the death of a bovine. Matthews pleaded guilty and was ordered to carry out 270 hours of unpaid work, and pay costs of £3,000. In addition, he was disqualified from keeping cattle for 10 years.