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Wednesday 30 December 2009


As large parts of Gwent have been affected by snow and icy weather, Gwent Police are advising motorists to take extra precautions, as these conditions can cause road disruptions and avoid driving unless absolutely necessary.

The Met Office has advised that the snow will continue in Gwent this afternoon and this evening and these conditions may persist into tomorrow.

Chief Inspector Simon Jeffries said:
"Gwent Police has planned for exactly the type of weather conditions we are seeing today. The public can be reassured that officers and staff are available to deal with any emergencies. We have extra 4x4 vehicles available, and patrols have been planned according to the conditions.

Officers are working with the local authorities and we are asking the public to help us and themselves by keeping safe and warm and not making any unnecessary journeys. If your journey is absolutely necessary please heed the following advice"

- Don’t leave your car running unattended when defrosting it.
- Make sure you have sufficient fuel for your journey. Keep the fuel tank topped up.
- Check weather forecasts. Listen to local and national radio for travel information
- Give yourself extra time for your journey and drive at a constant speed. Accept your journey will take longer and don't take risks.
- Take a mobile telephone with you and make sure it is fully charged. Carry a mobile charger in the car.
- Poor weather conditions mean it can be harder for drivers to see pedestrians and cyclists, so be vigilant. In poor visibility be extra alert for hazards, and allow extra room to slow down and stop
- Wear comfortable shoes, not thick boots, which can be difficult to drive in. Keep warm clothing and footwear in the car in case you get stuck or need to get out of the car, and carry a thermos flask and high energy snacks such as chocolate so you can have a hot drink and something to eat.
- Make sure all your car lights are working and you have no failed bulbs. Ensure that dirt, salt and snow is cleared away from light fixtures.
- Always ensure all windows are fully cleared of snow, frost and condensation before setting off on a journey. It is illegal to drive with obscured vision.
- Clear snow from the top of the car as this can fall down and obscure your windscreen while you are driving.
- Keep windscreen washer fluid topped up as windscreens quickly become dirty from traffic spray and salt from the roads.
- If you get stuck stay with your car, but in an emergency if do need to leave it, park it out of the main traffic route, where it won't cause an obstruction when conditions ease. Leave a contact number on the inside of the windscreen and return to your car at the first opportunity you have.

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