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Tuesday 16 February 2010


Work is under way at the site of Sainsbury's landmark 'Gateway to Wales' in Crindau.

The new superstore will be just two minutes from the M4 with its own designated slip road linking the dual carriageway (Heidenheim Drive) with the site. Sainsbury's acquired the former Gas Works site from the National Grid in April 2008.

A new bridged road access is being built from the A4042 Heidenhiem Drive to connect with a new roundabout on Albany Street.

This new access from the A4042 will serve the Sainsbury’s store and the wider Crindau area. A dedicated access route to the store is formed from this roundabout. An 8 pump petrol filling station (PFS) complete with jet and car wash is located from a mini roundabout on the access road. The access to the customer car park passes through a box culvert bridge to face the main entrance elevation to the store.

The store will comprise the following:

● A sales area of 7063 sq m incorporating general merchandise and food sales

● Back of house facilities extending the full length of the store with general goods delivery at one end and goods on line (GOL) at the other

● The main entrance lobby facing on to the car park

● Public WC and baby change facilities located near the John Sainsbury's Restaurant (JSR) - A new Goods Online delivery facility to serve the surrounding area is also provided in a dedicated service enclosure. - In total 670 parking bays are provided including 29 disabled bays and 28 parent & child bays all with safe and easy access to the store.

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