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Tuesday 5 January 2010


Members of Newport communities are helping increase the number of cannabis factories discovered over the past year according to Gwent Police’s drugs squad.

Between January and October last year 40 cannabis farms were found by Gwent Police - 33 more than they found during the whole of 2008.

18 factories were found in Newport thanks to tip offs from the public - nearly half of all found in the Gwent Police area.

Detective Inspector Paul Evans, who heads up Gwent Police’s drugs squad, put the increase in discoveries down to members of the public taking ownership of their community.

He said: "We are grateful for their assistance in helping to tackle this criminality.

When drug criminals operate out of residential properties, neighbourhoods suffer.

General property values can be affected, particularly when illegal activity begins affecting the reputation of the neighbourhood."

He asked people to look out for the signs of cannabis farms, including blacked out windows, curtains and blinds drawn throughout the day, smells and large amounts of soil, plant pots, cables and electrical transformers being taken into houses.

Anyone who suspects drug activity can call Gwent Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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