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Friday 8 January 2010


With the cold weather predicted to continue, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is urging the public to keep away from frozen reservoirs and advises on ways to tackle frozen pipes.

Venturing onto ice covering the water in reservoirs is highly dangerous and could prove fatal.

Welsh Water’s operations director Peter Perry said, “We want the public to enjoy recreation opportunities on land surrounding our reservoirs at all times of the year, but we must also remind people of the serious danger of stepping onto frozen surfaces. The ice may look tempting, but you could easily fall through into the freezing water below.

“Not only is the very low water temperature extremely dangerous to anyone who falls in due to hypothermia, it also makes rescue very difficult. Most of our reservoirs are in remote locations, and summoning help would be difficult. They are also very deep, with depths of up to 80 metres. There may be no mobile ‘phone signal, preventing others from calling for assistance, and even if they could the emergency services would have to travel significant distances. So our message to people: is don’t risk your life on reservoir ice.”

Welsh Water is also issuing advice to householders to help avoid the inconvenience and expense that a frost damaged pipe.

Mr Perry said, “Due to the severe weather conditions we are experiencing a high level of calls from customers with frozen service pipes – the pipe carrying water to the first incoming tap in the property. Unfortunately there is nothing Welsh Water can do about this but if you are experiencing problems you can try thawing the pipe using a hot water bottle or hairdryer but making sure you only apply the heat in short bursts. Never use a naked flame near the pipes.

Other advice from Welsh Water includes:

  • Not pouring hot water on to external stop taps, and not operating external stop tap as this could be dangerous (they are usually situated next to highways).

  • Locating your internal stop tap (usually under the sink, downstairs toilet, under stairs etc). You will need to contact your local plumber if you are unable to locate your stop tap.
  • Try pouring warm water on your bib tap (garden tap) to try and thaw it this way.

Mr Perry added “People can prevent frozen pipes by checking that all pipe work, cisterns and tanks in unheated areas are well insulated and that there is no gap in the insulation at bends, tees and valves.”

“During lengthy periods of frost, outside pipe work and any exposed plumbing should be isolated and drained down, with draining taps left open, until the weather improves.”

Customers wishing to obtain an information leaflet with further details on how to avoid frozen water pipes should see the ‘Don’t crack up, wrap up’ factsheet at Or ring the freephone publications hotline on 0800 0520138 to obtain a copy.

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